Children's Court New South Wales

Help for victims of crimes and witnesses

Support for victims of crime

The Victims Services website has a section called Justice Journey which gives practical advice and contact details of service providers that can help and support you before, during and after the court process.

If you are an Aboriginal person or Torres Straits Islands person who is a victim of crime in NSW, you can call the special confidential Victim's Services Aboriginal Contact Line on 1800 019 123.

Victims and Witnesses of Crime Court Support is an independent organisation that provides information for victims and witnesses and offers free court assistance and support. The service does not provide legal advice or advocacy at Court.

Support for witnesses

The Victims Services website has links to services for witnesses or victims with particular needs, for example people with cognitive disabilities. Your time at court is a special section aimed at witnesses who need to give evidence.

Last updated:

03 Oct 2023

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